Sunday, April 25, 2010


I think that sites provided by governments and from professors or university students are more reliable because they are people who are publishing work to contribute tot he learning of people all around the world. They aren't people who are waiting for money as a return or such a thing.
Doing a regular google search will give you information anyone can publish even if it is wrong. Therefore doing a google advance search will provide you will some solid information which is CORRECT (depending on what site of course). Books or online encyclopedia are better to use than a search engine because they are books that have been gone over many times and correct/proof read/pre-viewed/edited many times.
It is also important to know who and when the information was published, because if a teenager published a certain information he/she will have a totally different point of view compared to an adult. If a certain information was published in a certain year (such as the year a certain natural disaster occurred) it will be different aspect to read about it when it occurred than to read about it now that 10 years, or such, passed by.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear Mother and Father...

Dear Mother and Father,
It has been a long time I haven't wrote to you. To be honest, as the days pass by i'm scared more and more. I could die any day now and I thought to write you guys a letter today would be a good idea. Who knows what will happen to me tomorrow or today afternoon? I am so thankful to still be alive.
We've been sleeping in these trends for months. We can bearly write letters to our dear ones. Many of my friends have died because of snipers while being in the trends, so one can never be too careful.
Although during the night less bullits hit our men and it might seem peaceful, but it is not, rats invade the trends at night.
Our only time we have to rest for a battle is not peaceful because the rats were bitting us and eatting our clothes.
Did you know that many sicknesses which has killed many of our men were transmitted by rats?!
Yesterday was my day to rest (sort of) and guard the trends, tomorrow i'll go on battle field again. It is terrifing to go there when thousands, actually MORE than thousands, of bullits are shot at us.
Rare are the people that make it alive after that event. Maybe tomorrow will be my last day outin the battle field, or I might be dead by the time they send poisonous gas.
I have been thinking after all these events and mischief occured if it would be more peaceful to just die and get over this whole mess.
Your loving son

p.s: I will always love you!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Using a System of Analyzing

1. Step One: Identitfy the Problem
A typical teenager is having trouble understanding the ways a certain teacher is teaching his/her lessons.

2. Step Two: Notes the Solutions Proposed
-Talk to the teacher and ask for help
-Ask for other students that undertsand his/her teaching to help you understand
-Ask the teacher if he/she may give you some time apart from class to explain in details what you don't understand.

3. Step Three: Evaluate the Potential Effectiveness of each solution
The first solution is to general, ask the teacher for help, but on what specifically.
The second one: Maybe the other student understands it a certain way and you might get confused and be in a worse situation when trying to understand what is said.
The third: This looks like the best solution, but this will depend if the teacher would have the time to give you this way she/he may explain.

4. Step Four: Consider other Alternatives
When one doesn't understand a certain way his/her teacher is explaining a certain subject then he may ask the teacher if he/she got time out of class to help her/him explain with more details. Therefore, if the teacher has the time then she/he may understand the subject.