Sunday, January 31, 2010

Morocco's Recent 'Revolution'

A recent and new law in Morocco is the women's right. It is called 'Moudawana' passed by a majority for the members of the Moroccan parliaments. Women are granted more power.

This are some of the codes i have found doing research (Wikipedia) :
-Couples have to go to a secular court to obtain a divorce rather than just getting a letter of repudiation from a religious official. (See Islamic marital jurisprudence).
-The parent who keeps custody of the children also keeps the house.
-The legal age of marriage is 18 instead of 15.
-Sexual harassment is an offense punished by law.
-Polygamy, while still allowed, became more difficult under the new Mudawana in 2003.

I think that this kind of law/revolution is and will be very useful. It will establish a new kind of help meaning that women are able to communicate their knowledge and help to the world. Women will be able to contribute other than just take care of houses and be of a great help to improving the problems in the word and help find many more solutions. Who knows how much help women may be able to contribute like it is said "Two brains are better than one".

Information source:

Thursday, January 21, 2010


During the Socratic Seminar one of the valuable points that was discussed was that conflict may bring lots of changes to a region. It may cause a confusion and misorder of government, a decrease of economy, a great change in politics, and ruins on the regions where the battles where fought.
The dialogue moves forward by the ideas of people who are interested in the conversation, therefore other people join and ask questions and put their own ideas into the discussion.
The people that joined the discussion didn't have the same ideas but instead of saying it was not right they added to what others said or changed it abit and added what they have in mind.
People dominated the discussion, yes, and the group contributed to what was said.
It was harder to listen to what was said when people are outside the discussion, but it soon changes when someone have a creatiuve answer.
The essential questions where answered but understood well, and this shows that the seminar is very important because we learn from other people's understanding and thinking.
If ever i changed my opinion throughout the discussion it would be because other people had creative ideas and i would look differently into my own ideas and change them.
The best part of the seminarwas that we all helped and had fun sharing ideas.
There wern't rlly any worst part.
I wouldlike to have more time,just when we get to class we start instead of starting after 20 of class.

Economy- Petrol and gasoline- US

The world's prices of oil fell Thursday as the traders reacted to rising US gasolinestockpiles. Weak demands in the world's biggest energy consumers.
The light sweet crude for the March delivery lost 80 cents-79.6 dollars a barrel (in New York's main contract).
In the US Department of Energy aired thursday that gasoline/petrol rallied on 3.9 million barrels in the week which is ending January 25 striking a 2 year high.
The US crude stocks fell by 400,000 barrels last week. This would be their lowest rate 2 decades apart from immediate aftermath of a hurricane.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Successes and Failure of the Reconstruction

-Ku Klux Klan is a group of people who named their group "Kuklos" because it meant 'circle' in Greek. The people in that group wore robes and masks. This is because they pretended to be ghosts, Confederate ghosts. That they were in revenge against the enemies of the South. The new freedom of the black southerners would be beaten up or even killed.
- The South wasn't as industrialized as the North (southern industries didn't make finished goods like furniture) most of the South's industrial growth came from cotton.
- Lots of corruption (massive change and growth, wasn't controllable) .
- Many black people after being slaves did not have the money to live in a home, with a job, and food. They were trapped in this kind of poverty.
-People were still being racist, in the North and the South.

- Enforcement Act of 1870 (helped as a law the black people who were tortured, beaten up, or killed by the Ku Klux Klan).
- Promoting business (growth of business would bring better time).
- Compromise of 1877
- Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendment guaranteed the African Americans the right of citizenship.

There were lots of things happening during the Reconstruction. The South was still needing of help, but mostly the black people that had to fight for a living because of the threats and harassment from the Ku Klux Klan which was unbearable. Though the South had problems with the industrialization, they would still trade with the North who needed that cotton too, for furniture or food. Many laws were put to help the black families, but some were not respectful to the law and disagreeing with it, so even if the law supported the black and helped some people still didn't obey it.

Information Source: America Pathway to the Present