Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jefferson and Hamilton

There were 2 ways of looking at the government and the human nature. Hamilton and Jefferson represented two ways of interpreting the Constitution.
There was the strict construction which Jefferson favored, he believed that the government should only use the implied powers of the Constitution if it is absolutly necessary. Apart from the strict Constitution there was the loose Constitution which Hamilton favored, he believed the government could use the implied power of the Constitution to do many things as long as they were not prohibited by the Constitution.
Jefferson had more faith in his people than he had in their government. He also thought Hamilton was someone betraying the ideals of the American Revolution.

Jefferson and the other states were promoting resistance to the Federalists in letters to one another. They were called Jeffersonian Republicans. Jefferson, those other states, and Federalists were the first political parties in United States.
-Political Parties- A group of people who seek to win elections and hold public office in order to control government policy and porgrams.

Information resource: "American Pathway to the Present"
Image source:

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