Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Presidential Election of 1860

Presidential Election of 1860 was focused on slavery. Battles happened over the spread of slavery to new territories such as Kansas. Abraham Lincoln who had given up on politics after an term in Congress in 1840s, returned to the politics arena. He started attacking the legislation and specifically its author, Senator Stephan A. Douglas.
Lincoln opposed Douglas when he ran for the reelection in 1858. Douglas and Lincoln had many debates which were mentioned in newspapers around the country.
Lincoln was invited to make a speech denouncing slavery and its spread. The speech was a success.
The presidential was held on November 6, 1860. Lincoln did well in the Northern States but he garnered less than 40 percent of the population vote. Lincoln won the landslide victory in the electoral college.
Lincoln did not carry any Southern states.
This election was important because this election was the most momentous in America. There were rumors of assassination before Lincoln got to the White House. He split the South with the Union. March 4, 1861 it was obvious that the nation was going to have war. The Civil War happened the next month.

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