Thursday, January 21, 2010


During the Socratic Seminar one of the valuable points that was discussed was that conflict may bring lots of changes to a region. It may cause a confusion and misorder of government, a decrease of economy, a great change in politics, and ruins on the regions where the battles where fought.
The dialogue moves forward by the ideas of people who are interested in the conversation, therefore other people join and ask questions and put their own ideas into the discussion.
The people that joined the discussion didn't have the same ideas but instead of saying it was not right they added to what others said or changed it abit and added what they have in mind.
People dominated the discussion, yes, and the group contributed to what was said.
It was harder to listen to what was said when people are outside the discussion, but it soon changes when someone have a creatiuve answer.
The essential questions where answered but understood well, and this shows that the seminar is very important because we learn from other people's understanding and thinking.
If ever i changed my opinion throughout the discussion it would be because other people had creative ideas and i would look differently into my own ideas and change them.
The best part of the seminarwas that we all helped and had fun sharing ideas.
There wern't rlly any worst part.
I wouldlike to have more time,just when we get to class we start instead of starting after 20 of class.

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